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Homogeneização Biótica

     Processo pelo qual a biodiversidade presente em diferentes biotas ganha semelhanças com o passar do tempo, perdendo suas especificidades e reduzido a diversidade em qualquer nível de organização (taxonômico, funcional ou genético).




McKinney & Lockwood (1999) Biotic homogenization: a few winners replacing many losers in the next mass extinction

Rahel (2000) Homogenization of fish faunas across the United States

Olden & Poff (2003) Toward a mechanistic understanding and prediction of biotic homogenization

Olden et al (2004) Ecological and evolutionary consequences of biotic homogenization

Clavero & García-Berthou (2006) Homogenization dynamics and introduction routes of invasive freshwater fish in the Iberian Peninsula

Marchetti et a (2006) Effects of urbanization on California's fish diversity

Olden & Rooney (2006) On defining and quantifying biotic homogenization

Cassey et al (2007) Spatial scale and evolutionary history determine the degree of taxonomic homogenization across island bird assemblages

Rooney et al (2007) Biotic homogenization and conservation prioritization

Olden et al (2008) Species invasions and the changing biogeography of Australian freshwater fishes

Spear & Chown (2008) Taxonomic homogenization in ungulates

Baiser & Lockwood (2011) The relationship between functional ans taxonomic homogenization

Clavero & Hermoso (2011) Reservoirs promote the taxonomic homogenization of fish communities within rivers basin

Baiser et al (2012) Pattern and process of biotic homogenization in the New Pangaea

Pool & Olden (2012) Taxonomic and functional homogenization of endemic desert fish fauna

Vitule & Pozenato (2012) Homogeneização biótica: Misturando organismos em um mundo pequeno e globalizado

Vitule et al (2012) Homogenization of freshwater fish faunas after the elimination of a natural barrier by a dam in Neotropics

Villéger et al (2014) Functional homogenization exceeds taxonomic homogenization among European fish assemblages

Vallejos et al (2016) Human-induced landscape changes homogenize Atlantic Forest Bird Assemblages through nested species loss

Rosenblad & Sax (2016) A new framework for investigationg biotic homogenization and exploring future trajectories

Olden et al (2018) The Homogocene: research prospectus for the study of biotic homogenisation

Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação (LEC)
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
Setor de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Ambiental (DEA)


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