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LEC Publications

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Frehse, Fd, Weyl, OLF & Vitule, JRS Differential use of artificial habitats by native and non-native fish species in Neotropical reservoirs. Hydrobiology (2021).

Jones, Peter E., Jeroen S. Tummers, Shams M. Galib, Darragh J. Woodford, John B. Hume, Luiz GM Silva, Raul R. Braga et al. "The use of barriers to limit the spread of aquatic invasive animal species: a global review." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9 (2021): 611631.

Daga, VS, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Pelicice, FM, Fearnside, PM, Perbiche-Neves, G., Paschoal, LR, Cavallari, DC, Erickson J., Ruocco AMC, Oliveira I., Padial, AA & Vitule JRS (2020). Water diversion in Brazil threatens biodiversity. Ambio, 49 (1), 165-172.

Frehse, FDA, Hargrove, JS, Weyl, OL, & Vitule, JR (2020). The genetic characteristics of invasive Largemouth Bass in southern Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 36 (1), 46-54.

Costa, APL, Takemoto, RM, & Vitule, JRS (2020). The helminthic parasite fauna of the world-wide invader Micropterus salmoides (Lacepéde, 1802) in Brazil: a case of co-introduction and spillback. Neotropical Helminthology, 14 (1), 9-17.

Doria, CRC, Catâneo, DTBS, Torrente-Vilara, G., & Vitule, JRS (2020). Is there a future for artisanal fishing in the Amazon? The case of Arapaima gigas. Management of Biological Invasions 11 (1): 1–8.

da Costa Doria, CR, dos Santos Catâneo, DTB, Torrente-Vilara, G., & Vitule, JRS (2020). Is there a future for artisanal fishing in the Amazon? The case of Arapaima gigas. Management of Biological Invasions, 11 (1), 1.

Vallejos, MAV, Padial, AA, Vitule, JRS, & Monteiro ‐ Filho, ELDA (2020). Effects of crowding due to habitat loss on species assemblage patterns. Conservation Biology, 34 (2), 405-415.

Brito, MF, Daga, VS, & Vitule, JR S (2020). Fisheries and biotic homogenization of freshwater fish in the Brazilian semiarid region. Hydrobiology, 1-19.

Costa, APL, Takemoto, RM, & Vitule, JRS (2020). Helminth parasites of micropterus salmoides (lacepéde, 1802) an invasive species in brazil: a case of co-introduction and spillback. Neotropical Helminthology, 14 (1).

Magalhaes, AL, Daga, VS, Bezerra, LA, Vitule, JR S, Jacobi, CM, & Silva, LG (2020). All the colors of the world: biotic homogenization-differentiation dynamics of freshwater fish communities on demand of the Brazilian aquarium trade. Hydrobiology, 1-19.

de Carvalho, BM, Ferreira Junior, AL, Fávaro, LF, Artoni, RF, & Vitule, JR (2020). Human ‐ facilitated dispersal of the Gulf toadfish Opsanus beta (Goode & Bean, 1880) in the Guaratuba Bay, southeastern Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology.

Dala ‐ Corte, RB, Melo, AS, Siqueira, T., Bini, LM, Martins, RT, Cunico, AM, ... Vitule, JR .. & Monteiro ‐ Júnior, CS (2020). Thresholds of freshwater biodiversity in response to riparian vegetation loss in the Neotropical region. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (7), 1391-1402.

Geller, IV, Garcia, DAZ, Casimiro, ACR, Pereira, AD, Jarduli, LR, Vitule, JR, Azevedo, RF & Orsi, ML (2020). Good intentions, but bad effects: Environmental laws protects non-native ichthyofauna in Brazil. Fisheries Management and Ecology.

Nobile, AB, Cunico, AM, Vitule, JR, Queiroz, J., Vidotto ‐ Magnoni, AP, Garcia, DA, Orsi, ML, Lima, FP, Acosta, AA, da Silva, RJ & do Prado, FD (2020 ). Status and recommendations for sustainable freshwater aquaculture in Brazil. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12 (3), pp.1495-1517.

Olden, JD, Vitule, JR, Cucherousset, J., & Kennard, MJ (2020). There's more to Fish than Just Food: Exploring the Diverse Ways that Fish Contribute to Human Society. Fisheries, 45 (9), 453-464.

Soares L., Cavali, J., Vitule, JRS, & DORIA, CRDC (2020). Citizen science as a way of identifying the occurrence of non-native species in the Amazon. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological, 7 (2), 145-159.

Padial, AA, Vitule, JRS, & Olden, JD (2020). Preface: aquatic homogenocene — understanding the era of biological re-shuffling in aquatic ecosystems. Hydrobiology, 847 (18), 3705-3709.

Forneck, SC, Dutra, FM, de Camargo, MP, Vitule, JRS, & Cunico, AM (2020). Aquaculture facilities drive the introduction and establishment of non-native Oreochromis niloticus populations in Neotropical streams. Hydrobiology, 1-12.

Rosa, CAD, Ribeiro, BR, Bejarano, V., Puertas, FH, Bocchiglieri, A., Barbosa, ALDS, Chiarello, AG, Paglia, AP, Pereira, AA, Moreira, AFDS and Souza, ACD (2020). Neotropical alien mammals: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics.

de Andrade Frehse, F., Weyl, OLF, & Vitule, JRS (2020). Comparison of visual census and underwater video for fish sampling in Neotropical reservoirs. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103 (11), 1269-1277.

João D. Ferraz, Iago V. Geller, Armando CR Casimiro, Marcelo HS Yabu, Diego AZ Garcia, Lucas R. Jarduli, Jean RS Vitule; Thiago VT Occhi, Laís O. Carneiro, Larissa Faria, Crislaine Cochak, Flavia DF Sampaio; André LB Magalhães; Dilermando P. Lima-Junior & Mário L. Orsi (2020). Normative instruction No. 10, of April 17, 2020, for ornamental fish: the urgency to reduce the distances between the legislative, scientific and popular spheres in aquarium. Highlights, São Carlos.

Comte, L., Carvajal-Quintero, J., Tedesco, PA, Giam, X., Brose, U., Erős, T., ... Vitule, JRS ... & Larsen, S. (2020). RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time-series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Avigliano, E., Miller, N., de Carvalho, BM, Gironde, SC, Tombari, A., & Volpedo, AV (2020). Fin spine metals by LA-ICP-MS as a method for fish stock discrimination of Genidens barbus in anthropized estuaries. Fisheries Research, 230, 105625.

de Carvalho, BM, Pupo, DV, Volpedo, AV, Pisonero, J., Méndez, A., & Avigliano, E. (2020). Spatial environmental variability of natural markers and habitat use of Cathorops spixii in a neotropical estuary from otolith chemistry. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100 (5), 783-793.

de Carvalho, BM, Bot, R., & Spach, HL (2020). Length – weight relationships for estuarine fishes in subtropical estuary. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, 42, e51495-e51495.

Avigliano, E., Schlotthauer, J., de Carvalho, BM, Sigrist, M., & Volpedo, AV (2020). Inter ‐ and intra-stock bioaccumulation of anionic arsenic species in an endangered catfish from South American estuaries: Risk assessment through consumption. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 87, 103404.

Bot Neto RL, Carvalho BM, Schwarz Júnior R., Spach HL 2020. Ontogenetic variation in the sagitta otolith of Centropomus undecimalis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Centropomidae) in a tropical estuary. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 50 (4): 433–443.

de Carvalho, BM, Ferreira Junior, AL, Fávaro, LF, Artoni, RF, & Vitule, J. (2020). Human ‐ facilitated dispersal of the Gulf toadfish Opsanus beta (Goode & Bean, 1880) in the Guaratuba Bay, southeastern Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology.

Carvalho, BMD, Volpedo, AV, & Fávaro, LF (2020). Ontogenetic and sexual variation in the sagitta otolith of Menticirrhus americanus (Teleostei; Sciaenidae) (Linnaeus, 1758) in a subtropical environment. Separate Papers of Zoology, 60.

Possamai, B., dos Passos, AC, & de Carvalho, BM (2020). Length – weight relationships comparison between juveniles and adults of fish species from the mangroves of south Brazil. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, 42, e51310-e51310.

Maciel, TR, Avigliano, E., de Carvalho, BM, Miller, N., & Vianna, M. (2020). Population structure and habitat connectivity of Genidens genidens (Siluriformes) in tropical and subtropical coasts from Southwestern Atlantic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 106839.


Vallejos, MAV, Padial, AA, Vitule, JRS, & Monteiro ‐ Filho, ELDA (2019). Effects of crowding due to habitat loss on species assemblage patterns. Conservation Biology.

dos Santos, DA, by Paiva Affonso, I., Message, HJ, Okada, EK, Bornatowski, H. & Vitule, JRS (2019). Societal perception, impacts and judgment values ​​about invasive freshwater stingrays. Biol Invasions.

Frehse, FDA, Hargrove, JS, Weyl, OL, & Vitule, JR (2019). The genetic characteristics of invasive Largemouth Bass in southern Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.

Nobile, AB, Cunico, AM, Vitule, JR, Queiroz, J., Vidotto ‐ Magnoni, AP, Garcia, DA, ... & do Prado, FD (2019). Status and recommendations for sustainable freshwater aquaculture in Brazil. Reviews in Aquaculture.

Braga, RR, Ribeiro, VM, Padial, AA, Thomaz, SM, by Paiva Affonso, I., Wojciechowski, J., ... & Vitule, JRS (2019). Invasional meltdown: an experimental test and a framework to distinguish synergistic, additive, and antagonistic effects. Hydrobiology, 1-16.

Occhi, TVT, Vitule, JRS, Metri, CB, & Prodocimo, V. (2019). Use of osmoregulatory ability to predict invasiveness of the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867) an invader in Southern Brazil. Nauplius, 27.

Vitule, JR, Occhi, TV, Kang, B., Matsuzaki, SI, Bezerra, LA, Daga, VS, ... & Padial, AA (2019). Intra-country introductions unraveling global hotspots of alien fish species. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-7.

Silva, Z., Nascimento, PECD, Vitule, JRS, Frehse, FDA, Ferraz, MSO, & Mourgués-Schurter, LR (2019). Diet and resource sharing by two Pimelodidae species in a Southeastern Brazilian reservoir. Neotropic Biota, 19 (3).

Grasel, D., Fearnside, PM, Rovai, AS, Vitule, JRS, Rodrigues, RR, Mormul, RP, ... & Jarenkow, JA (2019). Brazil's Native Vegetation Protection Law Jeopardizes Wetland Conservation: A Comment on Maltchik et al. Environmental Conservation, 46 (2), 121-123.

Bezerra, LAV, Ribeiro, VM, Freitas, MO, Kaufman, L., Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2019) Benthification, biotic homogenization behind the trophic downgrading in altered ecosystems. Ecosphere 5: 6.

Bezerra, LAV, Freitas, MO, Daga, VS, Occhi, TVT, Faria, L., Costa, APL, Padial, AA, Prodocimo, V. & Vitule, JRS (2019). A network meta-analysis of threats to South American fish biodiversity. Fish and Fisheries. DOI:

Daga, VS, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Pelicice, FM, Fearnside, PM, Perbiche-Neves, G., Paschoal, LRP, Cavallari, DC, Erickson, J., Ruocco, AMC, Oliveira, I., Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2019) Water diversion in Brazil threatens biodiversity. Ambio. DOI:

Faria, L., Alexander, ME & Vitule, JRS (2019) Assessing the impacts of the introduced channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus using the comparative functional response approach. Fisheries Management and Ecology. DOI:

Pereira, FW & Vitule, JRS (2019) The largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802): impacts of a powerful freshwater fish predator outside of its native range. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI:

Pereira, LS, Angulo-Valencia, MA, Occhi, TVT, Padial, AA, Vitule, JRS & Agostinho, AA (2019) Looking through the predator's eyes: another perspective in naïveté theory. Biological Invasions. DOI:


Azevedo-Santos, VM, Frederico, RG, Fagundes, CK, Pompeu, OS, Pelicice, FM, Padial, AA, Nogueira, MG, Fearnside, PM, Lima, LB, Daga, VS, Oliveira, FJM, Vitule, JRS, Callisto, M., Agostinho, AA, Esteves, FA, Lima-Junior, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Sabino, J., Mormul, RP, Grasel, D., Zuanon, J., Vilella, FS & Henry, R. (2018) Protected areas: A focus on Brazilian freshwater biodiversity. Diversity and Distributions 25 (3): 442-448.

Bezerra, LAV, Angelini, R., Vitule, JRS, Coll, M. & Sánchez-Botero, JI (2018) Food web changes associated with drought and invasive species in a tropical semiarid reservoir. Hydrobiology, 817 (1): 475-489.

Brito, MFG, Magalhães, ALB, Lima-Junior, DP, Pelicice, FM, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Garcia, DAZ, Cunico, AM & Vitule, JRS (2018) Brazil naturalizes non-native species. Science, 361 (6398): 139.

Garcia, DAZ, Magalhães, ALB, Vitule, JRS, Casimiro, ACR, Lima-Junior, DP, Cunico, AM, Brito, MFG, Petrere Jr, M., Agostinho, AA & Orsi, ML (2018) The same old mistakes in aquaculture: the newly-available striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus is on its way to putting Brazilian freshwater ecosystems at risk. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (13): 3545-3558.

Grasel, D., Fearnside, PM, Rovai, AS, Vitule, JRS, Rodrigues, RR, Mormul, RP, Sampaio, FDF & Jarenkow, JA (2018) Brazil's Native Vegetation Protection Law Jeopardizes Wetland Conservation: A Comment on Maltchik et al . Environmental Conservation 46 (2): 121-123.


Patoka, J., Magalhães, ALB, Kouba, A., Faulkes, Z., Jerikho, R. & Vitule, JRS (2018) Invasive aquatic pets: failed policies increase risks of harmful invasions. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (11): 3037-3046.

Queiroz-Sousa, J., Brambilla, EM, Garcia-Ayala, JR, Travassos, FA, Daga, VS, Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2018) Biology, ecology and biogeography of the South American silver croaker, an important Neotropical fish species in South America. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI:


Ruffino, MR, Baigún, C., Vitule, JRS, Cañas, C., Miranda, G., Macnaughton, A., Doria, CRC, Hauser, M., Cordova, L., Echeverría, A., Hahn, L ., Hallwas, G., Ortuño, O. & Van Damme, PA (2018) Urgent actions for the conservation of the bream (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) in the Madeira River basin. (Policy Brief).


Frehse, FA, Andrade, PDB & Vitule, JRS (2018) Absence of the invasive golden mussel in a reservoir near Curitiba, Brazil: A possible case of invasion failure. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 13 (1): 86-89.


Lima Junior, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Pelicice, FM, Vitule, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Orsi, ML, Simberloff, S., Agostinho, AA (2018) Aquaculture expansion in Brazilian freshwaters against the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Ambio, 47 (4): 427-440.


Lula Costa, AP, Takemoto, RM & Vitule, JRS (2018) Metazoan parasites of Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède 1802) (Perciformes, Centrarchidae): a review with evidences of spillover and spillback. Parasitology Research,


Azevedo-Santos, VM, Fearnside FM, Oliveira, CS, Padial, AA, Pelicice, FW, Lima Jr, DP, Simberloff, D., Lovejoy, TE, Magalhães, ALB, Orsi, ML, Agostinho, AA, Esteves, FA , Pompeu, PS, Laurance, WF, Petrere Jr, M., Mormul, RP & Vitule, JRS (2017) Removing the abyss between conservation science and policy decisions in Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (7): 1745-1752.


Braga, RR, Gómez-Aparicio, L., Heger, T., Vitule, JRS & Jeschke, JM (2017) Structuring evidence for invasional meltdown: broad support but with biases and gaps. Biological Invasions, doi: 10.1007 / s10530-017-1582-2


Braga, RR, Ribeiro, VM, Bornatowski, H., Abilhoa, V. & Vitule, JRS (2017) Gastric lavage for dietary studies of small fishes: Efficiency, survival and applicability. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 47: 97-100.


Klemann Junior, L., Vallejos, MAV, Scherer-Neto, P. & Vitule, JRS (2017) Traditional scientific data vs. uncoordinated citizen science effort: a review of the current status and comparison of data on avifauna in Southern Brazil. PLoS ONE, 12: e0188819.


Magalhães, ALB, Orsi, ML, Pelicice, FM, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Vitule, JRS, Lima Jr, DP & Brito, MFG (2017) Small size today, aquarium dumping tomorrow: sales of juvenile non-native large fish as an important threat in Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 15 (4). Doi: 10.1590 / 1982-0224-20170033


Magalhães, ALB, Santos, VMR, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Orsi, ML, Brito, MFG & Vitule, JRS (2017) Biodiversity at risk from austerity law. Nature, 542: 295.


Occhi, TVT, Faria, L. & Vitule, JRS (2017) Native or non-native? That is the question: A complementary discussion to Saint-Paul (2017). Acta of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 5 (3): xii-xvi.


Padial, AA, Agostinho, AA, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Frehse, FA, Lima-Jr, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Mormul, RP, Pelicice, FM, Bezerra, LAV, Orsi, ML, Petrere Jr, M. & Vitule, JRS (2017) The “Tilapia Law” encouraging non-native fish threatens Amazonian River basins. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (1): 243-246.


Pelicice, FM, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Vitule, JRS, Orsi, ML, Lima Jr., DP, Magalhães, ALB, Pompeu, PS, Petrere Jr, M. & Agostinho, AA (2017). Neotropical freshwater fishes imperilled by unsustainable policies. Fish and Fisheries, 18 (6): 1119-1133.


Ribas, LGS, Cunha, ER, Vitule, JRS, Mormul, RP, Thomaz, SM & Padial, AA (2017) Biotic resistance by snails and fish to an exotic invasive aquatic plant. Freshwater Biology, 62 (7): 1266-1275.


Ribeiro, VR, Silva, PRL, Gubiani, É.A., Faria, L., Daga, VS & Vitule, JRS (2017). Imminent threat of the predator fish invasion Salminus brasiliensis in a Neotropical ecoregion: eco-vandalism masked as an environmental project. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 15 (2): 132-135.


Vitule, JRS (2017) The need to dive deep in Marine Biodiversity. Conservation Biology, 31 (3): 731-737.


Vitule, JRS, Agostinho, AA, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Daga, VS, Darwall, WRT, Fitzgerald, DB, Frehse, FA, Hoeinghaus, DJ, Lima Jr, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Orsi, ML, Padial, AA , Pelicice, FM, Petrere Jr., M., Pompeu, PS & Winemiller, KO (2017) We need better understanding about functional diversity and vulnerability of tropical freshwater fishes. Biodivesity and Conservation, 26: 757-762


Zwiener, VP, Lira-Noriega, A., Grady, CJ, Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2017) Climate change as a driver of biotic homogenization of woody plants in the Atlantic Forest. Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111 / geb.12695


Abilhoa, V., Valduga, MO, Frehse, FA & Vitule, JRS (2016) Use of food resources and resource partitioning among five syntopic species of Hypostomus (Teleostei: Loricariidae) in an Atlantic Forest river in southern Brazil. Zoology, 33 (6). Doi: 10.1590 / S1984-4689zool-20160062


Azevedo-Santos, VM, Vitule, JRS, García-Berthou, E., Pelicice, FM & Simberloff, D. (2016) Misguided strategy for mosquito control. Science, 351 (6274): 675.


Azevedo-Santos, VM, Vitule, JRS, Pelicice, FM, García-Berthou, E. & Simberloff, D. (2016) Nonnative fish to control Aedes mosquitoes: a controversial, harmful tool. BioScience, 67 (1): 84-90.


Daga, VS, Debona, T., Abilhoa, V., Gubiani, É.A. & Vitule, JRS (2016) Non-native fish invasions of a Neotropical ecoregion with high endemism: a review of the Iguaçu River. Aquatic Invasions, 11: 209-223.


Frehse, FA, Braga, RR, Nocera, GA & Vitule, JRS (2016) Non-native species and invasion biology in a megadiverse country: scientometric analysis and ecological interactions in Brazil. Biological Invasions, 18: 3713-3725.


Lucy, FE, Roy, H., Simpson, A., Carlton, JT, Hanson, JM, Magellan, K., Campbell, ML, Costello, MJ, Pagad, S., Hewitt, CL, McDonald, J., Cassey , P., Thomaz, SM, Katsanevakis, S., Zenetos, A., Tricarico, E., Boggero, A., Groom, QJ, Adriaens, T., Vanderhoeven, S., Torchin, M., Hufbauer, R ., Fuller, P., Carman, MR, Conn, DB, Vitule, JRS, Canning-Clode, J., Galil, BS, Ojaveer, H., Bailey, SA, Therriault, TW, Claudi, R., Gazda, A., Dick, JTA, Caffrey, J., Witt, A., Kenis, M., Lehtiniemi, M., Helmisaari, H. & Panov, VE (2016) INVASIVESNET towards an International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species . Management of Biological Invasions, 7 (2): 131-139.


Mercuri, EGF, Kumata, AYJ, Amaral, EB & Vitule, JRS (2016) Energy by Microbial Fuel Cells: Scientometric global synthesis and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 65: 832-840.


Nazareno, AG & Vitule, JRS (2016) Pollution: Too many mining disasters in Brazil. Nature, 531: 580.


Oliveira, I., Ribeiro, VM, Pereira, ER & Vitule, JRS (2016) Predation on native anurans by vertebrates in the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil. Oecologia Australis, 20 (3): 70-74.


Vallejos, MAV, Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2016) Human-induced landscape changes homogenize Atlantic Forest bird assemblages through nested species loss. PLoS ONE, 11: e0147058.


Vitule, JRS, Costa, APL, Frehse, FA, Bezerra, LAV, Occhi, TVT, Daga, VS & Padial, AA (2016) Comments on 'Fish biodiversity and conservation in South America by Reis et al. (2016) '. Journal of Fish Biology, 90, 1182-1190.


Vitule, JRS, Freitas, MO, Ribeiro, VM & Bornatowski, H. (2016) First records of Sigmodontinae (Mammalia) predation by Oligosarcus hepsetus (Cuvier, 1829) (Characiformes, Characidae) in Atlantic Rain Forest rivers, of southern Brazil. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 10 (4): 328-331.


Weyl, OLF, Daga, VS, Ellender, BR & Vitule, JRS (2016) A review of Clarias gariepinus invasions in Brazil and South Africa. Journal of Fish Biology, 89: 386-402.


Azevedo-Santos, VM, Pelicice, FM, Lima Jr, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Orsi, ML, Vitule, JRS & Agostinho, AA (2015) How to avoid fish introductions in Brazil: education and information as alternatives. Nature & Conservation, 13 (2): 123-132.


Bornatowski, H., Braga, RR, Kalinowski, C. & Vitule, JRS (2015) “Buying a Pig in a Poke”: The Problem of Elasmobranch Meat Consumption in Southern Brazil. Ethnobiology Letters, 6 (1): 196-202.


Casimiro, ACR, Garcia, DAZ, Vidotto-Magnoni, AP, Vitule, JRS & Orsi, ML (2015) Biodiversity: is there light for native fish assemblages at the end of the Anthropocene tunnel? Journal of Fish Biology, 89 (1): 48-49.


Daga, VS, Skóra, F., Padial, AA, Abilhoa, V., Gubiani, É.A. & Vitule, JRS (2015) Homogenization dynamics of the fish assemblages in Neotropical reservoirs: comparing the roles of introduced species and their vectors. Hydrobiology, 746: 327-347.


Frehse, FA, Valduga, MO, Corrêa, MFM, Pinheiro, PC & Vitule. JRS (2015) Feeding ecology and resource sharing patterns between Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889) and S. brasiliensis (Schultz, 1945) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) along the coasts
of Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31: 479-486.


Freire, CA, Souza-Bastos, LR, Chiesse, J., Tincani, FH, Piancini, LD, Randi, MA, Prodocimo, V., Cestari, MM, Silva-de-Assis, HC, Abilhoa, V., Vitule , JRS, Bastos, LP & Oliveira-Ribeiro, CA (2015) A multibiomarker evaluation of urban, industrial, and agricultural exposure of small characins in a large freshwater basin in southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 22: 13263-13277.


Lima Jr, DP, Magalhães, ALB & Vitule, JRS (2015) Dams, politics and drought threat: the march of folly in Brazilian freshwaters ecosystems. Nature & Conservation, 13: 196-198.


Ribeiro, VM, Braga, RR, Abilhoa, V. & Vitule, JRS (2015) Evaluation of three capture techniques for invasive Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède, 1802) in a Neotropical reservoir: implications for population control and management. Journal Applied Ichthyology, 31: 1127-1129.


Sampaio, FD, Freire, CA, Sampaio, TV, Vitule, JRS & Fávaro, LF (2015) The precautionary principle and its approach to risk analysis and quarantine related to the trade of marine ornamental fish in Brazil. Marine Policy, 51: 163-168.


Skóra, F., Abilhoa, V., Padial, AA & Vitule, JRS (2015) Darwin's hypotheses to explain colonization trends: evidence from a quasinatural experiment and a new conceptual model. Diversity and Distributions, 21: 583-594.


Valduga, MO, Zenni, RD & Vitule, JRS (2016) Ecological impacts of non-native tree species plantations are broad and heterogeneous: a review of Brazilian research. Proceedings of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 88 (3): 1675-1688.


Vitule, JRS & Braga RR (2015) Impact factor is not the evil for ecology and conservation in South America. Oecologia Australis, 18: 33-34.


Vitule, JRS, Azevedo-Santos, VM, Daga, VS, Lima-Junior, DP, Magalhães, ALB, Orsi, ML, Pelicice, FM & Agostinho, AA (2015) Brazil's drought: protect biodiversity. Science, 347: 1427-1428.


Bornatowski, H., Braga, RR & Vitule, JRS (2014) Threats to sharks in a developing country: The need for effective simple conservation measures. Nature & Conservation, 12 (1): 11-18.


Cunico, AM & Vitule, JRS (2014) First records of the European catfish, Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758 in the Americas (Brazil). BioInvasions Records, 3 (2): 117-122.


Gutierre, SMM, Vitule, JRS, Freire, CA & Prodocimo, V. (2014) Physiological tools to predict invasiveness and spread via estuarine bridges: tolerance of Brazilian native and worldwide introduced freshwater fishes to increased salinity. Marine and Freshwater Research, 65: 425-436.


Pelicice, FM, Vitule, JRS, Lima Jr, DP, Orsi, ML & Agostinho, AA (2014) A serious new threat to Brazilian freshwater ecosystems: the naturalization of nonnative fish by decree. Conservation Letters, 7: 55-60.


Simberloff, D. & Vitule, JRS (2014) A call for an end to calls for the end of invasion biology. Oikos, 123: 408–413.


Vitule, JRS, Sampaio, FDF & Magalhães, ALB (2014) Aquarium trade: Monitor Brazil's fish sampling closely. Nature, 513: 315


Vitule, JRS, Bornatowski, H., Freire, CA & Abilhoa, V. (2014) Extralimital introductions of Salminus brasiliensis (Cuvier, 1816) (Teleostei, Characidae) for sport fishing purposes: a growing challenge for the conservation of biodiversity in neotropical aquatic ecosystems. BioInvasions Records, 3: 291-296.


Abilhoa, V., Bornatowski, H. & Vitule, JRS (2013). Occurrence of the alien invasive loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in the Iguaçu River basin in southern Brazil: a note of concern. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29 (1): 257-259.

Bornatowski, H., Braga, RR & Vitule, JRS (2013) Shark mislabeling threatens biodiversity. Science, 340 (6135): 923.


Braga, RR, Braga, MR & Vitule, JRS (2013) Population structure and reproduction of Mimagoniates microlepis with a new hypothesis of ontogenetic migration: Implications for stream fish conservation in the Neotropics. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 96 (1): 21-31.


Magalhães, ALB & Vitule, JRS (2013) Aquarium industry threatens biodiversity. Science, 341 (6145): 457.


Vitule, JRS, Silva, FFG, Bornatowski, H. & Abilhoa, V. (2013) Feeding ecology of fish in a coastal river of the Atlantic Rain Forest. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 96 (9): 1029-1044.


Braga, RR, Bornatowski, H. & Vitule, JRS (2012) Feeding ecology of fishes: An overview of worldwide publications. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22 (4): 915-929.


Lima Jr, DP, Pelicice, FM, Vitule, JRS & Agostinho, AA (2012) Aquaculture, Politics and Environment in Brazil: new proposals and old mistakes. Nature & Conservation, 10 (1): 88-91.


Lövei, GL, Lewinsohn, TM, Dirzo, R., Elhassan, EF, Ezcurra, E., Freire, CA, Gui, FR, Halley, JM, Tibazarwa, JM, Jiang, MX, Katebaka, R., Kinyamario, J ., Kymanywa, S., Liu, FQ, Liu, SS, Liu, WX, Liu, YQ, Lu, BR, Minot, EO, Qiang, S., Qiu, BL, Shen, H., Soberon, J., Sujii, ER, Tang, JW, Uludag, A., Vitule, JRS, Wan, FH, Wang, FH, Yang, GQ, Zhang, XY & You, MS (2012) Biological Invasions in Megadiverse Regions Network. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27: 3-4.


Vitule, JRS & Pozenato, LP (2012) Biotic homogenization: Mixing organisms in a small and globalized world. Biology, Environment and Diversity Studies, 34 (83): 239-245.


Vitule, JRS & Prodocimo, V. (2012) Introduction of non-native species and biological invasions. Biology, Environment and Diversity Studies, 34 (83): 225-237.


Vitule, JRS, Skóra, F. & Abilhoa, V. (2012) Homogenization of freshwater fish faunas after the elimination of a natural barrier by a dam in Neotropics. Diversity and Distributions, 18: 111-120.


Vitule, JRS, Lima Jr, DP, Pelicice, FM, Orsi, ML & Agostinho, AA (2012) Preserve Brazil's aquatic biodiversity. Nature, 485: 309.


Vitule, JRS, Freire, CA, Vazquez, DP, Nuñez, MA & Simberloff, D. (2012) Revisiting the potential conservation value of non-native species. Conservation Biology, 26: 1153–55.


Magalhães, ALB, Casatti, L. & Vitule, JRS (2011) Changes in the Brazilian Forest Code will favor non-native species of freshwater fish. Nature & Conservation, 9 (1): 121-124.


Abilhoa, V., Vitule, JRS, Bornatowski, H., Lara, FB, Kohler, GU, Festti, L., Carmo, WPD, Ribeiro, IK (2010) Effects of body size on the diet of Rivulus haraldsiolii (Aplocheiloidei: Rivulidae) in a coastal Atlantic Rainforest island stream, southern Brazil. Biotemas, 23: 59-64.


Abilhoa, V., Vitule, JRS & Bornatowski, H. (2010) Feeding ecology of Rivulus luelingi (Aplocheiloidei: Rivulidae) in a Coastal Atlantic Rainforest stream, southern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 8 (4): 813-818.


Bornatowski, H., Vitule, JRS, Abilhoa, V. & Corrêa, MFM (2010) Unconventional fishing for large sharks in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil: a note of concern. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27: 1108-1111.


Vitule, JRS (2009) Introduction of fish in Brazilian continental ecosystems: review, comments and suggestions for actions against the almost invisible enemy. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 4 (2): 111-122.


Vitule, JRS, Freire, CA & Simberloff, D. (2009) Introduction of non-native freshwater fish can certainly be bad. Fish and Fisheries, 10, 98-108.




Theses and Dissertations

Thiago Vinicius Trento Occhi (2020) Biological Invasions and its effects on biodiversity. Doctoral thesis.

Hugo De Siqueira Pereira (2020) Mathematical and Computational Models for Biological Invasions. Doctoral thesis.

Felipe Skóra Neto (2013) Works of hydrological infrastructure and invasions of freshwater fish in the Neotropical region: Implications for biotic homogenization and Darwin's naturalization hypothesis. Masters dissertation.

Vanessa Maria Ribeiro (2013) Micropterus salmoides , a predator introduced in a Neotropical reservoir: Diet composition, reproductive tactics and capture methods. Masters dissertation.

Raul Rennó Braga (2013) Food ecology of fish: Review and evaluation of the applicability of gastric lavage for studies with fish from Neotropical streams. Masters dissertation.

Ana Paula Lula Costa (2016) Parasitic fauna of the invasive fish Micropterus salmoides (Lacepéde 1802): Review and analysis of the influence of propagule pressure in reservoirs in southern Brazil. Masters dissertation.

Raul Rennó Braga (2016) Invasive fusion: Hierarchization of the hypothesis, experimental evaluation and "framework" for testing and synthesis. Doctoral thesis.

Vanessa Salete Daga (2017) Ichthyofauna homogenization: Scientometry, hypothesis hierarchy and process dynamics in Neotropical reservoirs. Doctoral thesis.

Vanessa Maria Ribeiro (2017) Ecological Ingenuity Hypothesis: Historical review and experimental evaluation. Doctoral thesis.

Larissa Faria (2018) Evaluation of the potential ecological impact caused by the introduction of the non-native catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) in a Neotropical stream. Masters dissertation.


Ecology and Conservation Laboratory

Department of Environmental Engineering

Polytechnic Center Campus

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Federal University of Paraná

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